Newdale Clay Loam
A valuable soil of the Eastern Prairies, the Newdale series is classified as an Orthic Black Chernozem. The Newdale soils formed in calcareous, loamy glacial till of limestone, granite and shale origin. Soils are moderately well drained and occur in mid to upper slope positions of hummocky landscapes.
The native vegetation is grassland and aspen groves. They are very productive soils for spring and winter wheat, canola, barley, flax, peas and alfalfa-based forages. The Newdale soil covers over 1.3 million acres and typifies clay loam soils in western Manitoba. The average annual precipitation is 460 mm (18 inches) and the annual air temperature is 2° C (35° F) with a frost-free period of 105 days.
In 2010, the Newdale Clay Loam was officially proclaimed as Manitoba’s provincial soil.
Newdale Soil Profile
Very dark Ah horizon (enriched with organic matter, designated as Ap if cultivated), commonly 10 inches thick and ranging from 6-14 inches.
A dark brown Bm horizon (carbonates have been completely removed), 4-12 inches thick.
A transitional BC horizon, 1-6 inches thick.
A Ck horizon (accumulation of calcium and magnesium carbonates).